Production Design - Selfridges
Selfridges wanted to look at new ways of defining luxury. I created a series of tableaux reinterpreting every day materials in an unexpected way. A foam staircase, tangled metal furniture, animated steam bent coat stands.
Production design. Project management.
Selfridges Windows Team.
Production Design - Selfridges Windows
Our House Scheme questioned the ideas surrounding the concept of what makes a home a home?
Freelance production design.
Selfridges Windows team.
Creative Producer - Selfridges Corner Shop
A white steel flowing display rail that surrounds the entire Corner Shop. Used to create a modular display area for a weekly brand take-over.
With Selfridges Windows Team.
Creative Production - Selfridges Windows Team
A contemporary windows scheme that celebrates the power of music.
Selfridges Production Assistant Manager.
Creative Production - Selfridges Windows Team
A playful celebration of the new Sunglasses Hall at Selfridges.
Selfridges Production Assistant Manager.
Styling - Selfridges Concept Store
An immersive interactive customer experience.
Styling. Sourcing.
With Selfridges 3D Creative team.